Sydney Morning Herald – July 2021
It’s infecting art: COVID and single use objects highlighted in new art prize
By Julie Power, Sydney Morning Herald
July 30, 2021 — 6.37am

Artist Ruth Downes first tried to make wearable art with used face masks; those seen on the sides of roads or trapped in branches, where they appear to grow like leaves.
“I was playing with them, thinking, ‘This is a shocking amount of waste.’ They were grotty, and discoloured and they are not very healthy,” she said.
It grossed her out. She figured if it wasn’t good for her, it would also gross out visitors to the inaugural Northern Beaches Environmental Art and Design Prize when it opens after the Sydney lockdown.
It grossed her out. She figured if it wasn’t good for her, it would also gross out visitors to the inaugural Northern Beaches Environmental Art and Design Prize when it opens after the Sydney lockdown.
Read article summary here | Read full article here
Jervis Bay Maritime Museum and Gallery Opening – August 2020
Behind the visually striking, cleverly ironic and seemingly effortlessly constructed objects … lies a wealth of ideas, references, skills and commentary.
Prof. Amanda Lawson – Exhibition opening remarks
At the opening of the Jervis Bay exhibition, Professor Lawson provided some insightful commentary about Ruth’s current work, and her art practice as a whole.
Read Opening Commentary in full here
Manning Regional Gallery Opening – April 2020